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Waffle vendor near US Treasury, Washington, D.C. Photo shows a wagon offering Hot Waffles 6 for 5c attracting a small crowd of men and boys at the south front of the Treasury building. Painter captured the hubbub of the Easter Egg Roll at the White House next door with his original or Number One Kodak. Vendors catering to tourists were a regular part of the downtown landscape. (Source: Ison article on Painter, 1990). Date 1889 Apr. 22. Waffle vendor near US Treasury, Washington, D.C. Photo shows a wagon offering Hot Waffles 6 for 5c attracting a small crowd of men and boys at the south front of the Treasury building. Painter captured the hubbub of the Easter Egg Roll at the White House next door with his original or Number One Kodak. Vendors catering to tourists were a regular part of the downtown landscape. (Source: Ison article on Painter, 1990). Date 1889 Apr. 22. Date:
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