. Il encyclopaedia - Wikizionario di anatomia e fisiologia. Anatomia e fisiologia; Zoologia. Dei lobuli arrotondati nel primo stadio di venosa epatico con- gestion, come visto sulla superficie del fegato. Dopo Kiernan. " Questo è il solito e stato naturale dell'organo dopo la morte", e deriva da arresto nella circolazione delle vene epatiche, mentre la cur- affitto del sangue nel minuto rami della vena porta è ancora in movimento. "Nella seconda fase (maschera. 43) la congestione si estende attraverso il venosa lobulare plessi per quei rami della vena porta situato nel interlobular fessure, ma
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. The cyclopædia of anatomy and physiology. Anatomy; Physiology; Zoology. Rounded lobules in the first stage of hepatic venous con- gestion, as seen upon the surface of the liver. After Kiernan. " This is the usual and natural state of the organ after death, " and arises from arrest in the circulation of the hepatic veins, while the cur- rent of blood in the minute branches of the portal vein is still in motion. "In the second stage (Jig. 43) the congestion extends through the lobular venous plexuses to those branches of the portal vein situated in the interlobular fissures, but not to those in the spaces, which being larger there and giving origin to those in the fissures, are the last to be congested; when these vessels contain blood the congestion is general, and the whole liver is red. In this second stage the non-congested substance appears in isolated circular and ra- mous patches, in the centres of which the spaces Fig. 43.. Lobules in the second stage of hepatic venous conges- tion, as seen on the surface of the liver. The dark centres of the preceding stage have become conjoined at the interlobular fissures, while the unconyested parts encircle an intralobular space. and fissures are seen. This form of congestion " very commonly attends disease of the heart and acute disease of the lungs or pleura ; the liver is larger than usual in consequence of the quantity of blood it contains, and is frequently at the same time in a state of biliary conges- tion, which probably arises from the sangui- neous congestion. Although in the first stage the central portions of the plexuses, and in the second the greater portion of each plexus, and those branches of the portal vein occupying the fissures are congested, and although the plexuses are formed by the portal veinr yet as this form of congestion commences in the hepatic veins and extends towards the portal vein, and as it is necessary to distinguish this form from that commencing in the portal vei