. Il libro degli uccelli : che illustra in colori naturali più di settecento uccelli nordamericani; anche diverse centinaia di fotografie dei loro nidi e uova. Es e il Grande Bacino dall'Oregon e dal Montana sud. Questa varietà è più pallida del Song Sparrow ma più scura del fallax. Egthe stesso. 581c. Heermans Song Sparrow. Melospiza melo-dia heermanni. Range: California, a ovest della Sierra Nevadas. Simile alla melodia ma con meno marrone e il markingsblacker e più distinto. Le abitudini di nidificazione sono il samee le uova simili ai grandi esemplari scuri del easternSong Sparrow. Dimensioni .85 x .62. 5
958 x 2609 px | 8,1 x 22,1 cm | 3,2 x 8,7 inches | 300dpi
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. The bird book : illustrating in natural colors more than seven hundred North American birds; also several hundred photographs of their nests and eggs . es and the Great Basin from Oregon and Montana southward.This variety is paler than the Song Sparrow but darker than fallax. Egthe same. 581c. Heermans Song Sparrow. Melospiza melo-dia heermanni. Range.—California, west of the Sierra Nevadas. Similar to melodia but with less brown and the markingsblacker and more distinct. The nesting habits are the sameand the eggs similar to large dark specimens of the easternSong Sparrow. Size .85 x .62. 58Id. Samuels Song Sparrow. Melospiza melodiasamuelis. Range.—Coast regions of California, chiefly in themarshes. Similar to the last but smaller. They nest on the groundin marsh grass, usually in sandy districts along the shore.The eggs average smaller than those of melodia. Size.78 x .58. 58le. Rusty Song Sparrow. Melospiza melodiamorphna.Range.—Pacific coast of Oregon and British Columbia.A dark species with the upper parts dark reddish brownand heavily streaked with the same below. The nestinghabits and eggs are like those of melodia. 354. PERCHING BIRDS 581 f. Sooty Song Sparrow. Melospiza melodia rufina. Range.—Pacific coast from British Columbia to Alaska. A darker bird, both above and below, even than the last. Eggs like the lastbut averaging a trifle larger. Size .82 x .62. 581g. Browns Song Sparrow. Melospiza melodia rivularis. Range.—Southern Lower California. A light colored form like tlie Desert Song Sparrow; said to build in cat tailsabove water as well as on the ground; eggs not different from others of thegenus. 581h. Santa Barbara Song Sparrow. Melospiza melodia graminea. Range.—Breeds on Santa Barbara Islands; winters on adjacent coast of Cali-fornia. A variety of the same size but paler than samuelis. Nesting or eggs notpeculiar. 581i. San Clemente Sum. Sparrow. Melospiza melodia elemental. Range.—San Clemente and Santa Rosa Island of the Santa B