. Ingegneria locomotiva : una rivista pratica di moto ferroviario e materiale rotabile . Proposta di intestazione legale su scala di grandi dimensioni. Il Senatore Chandler ha introdotto una billetta al Senato a Washington che egli in-timates è allo scopo di aumentare l'efficienza dei grad-uates militari e navali. Per noi la misura legge come un enorme scherzo. Egli propone di modificare il corso di istruzione a West Point e Annapolis per dispensare con lo studio delle lingue e di matematica superiore e sostituire loro corsi in atletica, per abbracciare in particolare il golf, ciclismo, base-ball e il calcio. Egli prop. Ulteriormente
1703 x 1467 px | 28,8 x 24,8 cm | 11,4 x 9,8 inches | 150dpi
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. Locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . Proposed Legal Deadheading on a LargeScale. Senator Chandler has introduced a billin the Senate at Washington which he in-timates is for the purpose of increasingthe efficiency of military and naval grad-uates. To us the measure reads like ahuge joke. He proposes to amend theeducational course at West Point andAnnapolis to dispense with the study oflanguages and of higher mathematics andsubstitute therefor courses in athletics, to embrace especially golf, bicycling, base-ball and football. He further proposesthat contests in athletic sports shall beheld annually in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, St.Louis, San Francisco and a number ofother towns. About the funniest part ofthe bill is Section 4, which reads: The various railroads subject to theInterstate Commerce act of February 4, 1899. and the amendments thereof, mayand shall carry free to and from the afore-said national contests all cadets and in- GOT THERE BY SHEER HARD WORK ANDMERIT.. can THEY SET VALVES OR RUN ANENGINE? later on, is seen fluttering in the wind to-wards a workman. He takes every oppor-tunity to engage in conversation with thetraveling public in order to show hisknowledge of things in general and rail-roading in particular. In his trips overthe road he naturally comes in contactwith all classes of employes. From thesehe gleans all he can, and soon becomespossessed of a superficial knowledge ofwhat other officials are doing. He shinesmost, however, when the managing officialmakes a trip over the road. Our friendon these occasions does himself proud.Standing on the platform of the rear coachwith the power that be. he may be seenstruggling, by tlie aid of a superfluity ofwords, to make the most of a scarcity ofideas.