. Rassegna ferroviaria elettrica. Manierfrom 9-piede staffe tubolari di acciaio 1% pollici di diametro. La massima cura è stata prestata nel fornire protezione contro i fulmini. Su ogni quinto polo è installata una striscia di massa da %-pollice di ferro zincato n. 22. La barretta di messa a terra è fissata al filo di messa a terra nella parte superiore del palo per mezzo di una vite a lag e di rondelle nel modo illustrato nella figura. La striscia di terra si estende lungo la polee è collegata alla base con tre bande da 2 pollici diNo. 22 ferro zincato. Ogni ventesimo polo viene installato un dispositivo di arresto fulmini, il filo di massa per
1912 x 1306 px | 32,4 x 22,1 cm | 12,7 x 8,7 inches | 150dpi
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. Electric railway review . usual mannerfrom 9-foot tubular steel brackets 1% inches in diameter. The greatest care has been taken in providing protectionagainst lightning. On every fifth pole there is installed a %-inch ground strip of No. 22 galvanized Iron. The ground stripis fastened to the ground wire at the top of the pole bymeans of a lag screw and washers in the manner shown inthe illustration. The ground strip extends down the poleand is connected at the base with three 2-inch bands ofNo. 22 galvanized iron. A lightning arrester is installed onevery twentieth pole, the ground wire for the arrester beingof No. 6 B. & S. guage. By the use of the galvanized ironground strip the number of lightning arresters required hasbeen reduced one-half. The company furnishing the arrestershas guaranteed that when installed in connection with thestrip, 50 per cent of the number that would otherwise berequired will afford complete protection. The method offastening the ground wire for the lightning arrester to the.. galvanized iron strip is also clearly shown fn theillustration. Bridges.One of the most interesting features in the constructionof this road is the ribbed concrete-steel bridge over the August, 1906. ELECTRIC RAILWAY REVIEW 457 Kishwaukee river near Uelvidere. This bridge was con-structed by the Strauss Bascule & Concrete Bridge Companyof Chicago, of which Mr. J. B. Strauss is president. Mr. K.Hojgaard was the engineer in charge of construction. Thecompany has devised a novel method of erecting reinforcedconcrete arches which does away with the usual false workand wooden centering and this bridge is the first one builtby this method. The form of ribl>ed arch used, the methodof erection and the several appliances employed in connectiontherewith, were invented by Mr. Strauss and are covered bypatents owned by the Strauss Bascule & Concrete BridgeCompany. The bridge is a single-track structure comprising four87%-foot arches with a solid-ballasted floor throughou