4614 x 6059 px | 39,1 x 51,3 cm | 15,4 x 20,2 inches | 300dpi
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1960 , 5 may , NEW YORK , USA : The celebrated italian fashion designers SIMONETTA ( 1922 - 2011 ) and ALBERTO FABIANI ( 1910 - 1987 ) from Rome . The couple married in 1960 after was closet business rivals for more years. Donna Simonetta Colonna Romano di Cesarò was the daughter of Duca Giovanni Antonio Colonna Romano di Cesarò (1878 -1940) and Barbara Antonello of Counts Antonello . Simonetta married first time in 1946 with Conte Don Galeazzo Visconti dei Duchi di Modrone ( 1918 - 1976 ), a cousin of movie director count Luchino Visconti di Modrone ( 1906 - 1976 ) . In this photo arriving with flight TWA in New York , directed to Rome, from San Francisco were the two fashion designers stay in West Coast for the italian fashion festival .- ANNI SESSANTA - 60's - '60 - STORIA DELLA MODA - FASHION - CAPPELLO - HAT - DONNA MANAGER - STILE - HISTORY PHOTOS - FOTO STORICA STORICHE - collana di perle - pearls necklace - cappotto - coat - STILISTA - aereo - aeroporto - volo aereo - fly - airport - ITALIA - ITALY - italian nobility - nobiltà italiana nobili italiani ---- Archivio GBB
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