Actor Jaya Bachchan wife of Amitabh Bachchan India's most famous Bollywood actor was greeted at Unicef House in New York, Thursday, April 14, 2005. The Indian actor arrived for a formal signing event where her husband became International Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF and his areas of focus will be Polio eradication and HIV/AIDS. (AP Photo/David Karp)
RMID:ID dell’immagine:2PE86BY
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Persone nella foto:
JAYA BACHCHANCollaboratore:
Associated Press / Alamy Foto StockID dell’immagine:
2PE86BYDimensioni dei file:
7,3 MB (307,4 KB Download compresso)Liberatorie:
Modello - no | Proprietà - noMi occorre una liberatoria?Dimensioni:
1281 x 2000 px | 21,7 x 33,9 cm | 8,5 x 13,3 inches | 150dpiData acquisizione:
14 aprile 2005Fotografo:
David KarpAltre informazioni:
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