Actor Jaya Bachchan wife of Amitabh Bachchan India's most famous Bollywood actor was greeted at Unicef House in New York, Thursday, April 14, 2005. The Indian actor arrived for a formal signing event where her husband became International Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF and his areas of focus will be Polio eradication and HIV/AIDS. (AP Photo/David Karp)

Actor Jaya Bachchan wife of Amitabh Bachchan India's most famous Bollywood actor was greeted at Unicef House in New York, Thursday, April 14, 2005. The Indian actor arrived for a formal signing event where her husband became International Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF and his areas of focus will be Polio eradication and HIV/AIDS. (AP Photo/David Karp) Foto Stock

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Associated Press / Alamy Foto Stock

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7,3 MB (307,4 KB Download compresso)


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1281 x 2000 px | 21,7 x 33,9 cm | 8,5 x 13,3 inches | 150dpi

Data acquisizione:

14 aprile 2005


David Karp

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