Annunci per il tè di Lione, nosegay anche sapore pieno, Wills, interno dell'Albion Inn, Volunteer St / Park St, Chester, Cheshire, Inghilterra, Regno Unito, CH1 1RN
4464 x 3348 px | 37,8 x 28,3 cm | 14,9 x 11,2 inches | 300dpi
Data acquisizione:
6 agosto 2022
Volunteer St / Park St, Chester, Cheshire, England, UK, CH1 1RN
Altre informazioni:
Albion, translated to present-day terms, means ‘white’ and is often associated with all things English. The present day ambience of the Albion’s interior reflects this translation and has firm connections with the Great War going far beyond the modern ‘concept’ pub of today. Mike Mercer has run the Albion Inn for over 37 years and has created and captured the essence of the Great War 1914-18 in this last remaining classic Victorian corner street pub within the City Walls of Chester. Albion Street, and the adjoining Volunteer Street both lead to the former Drill Hall, which was a recruiting centre during the First World War. Many a young lad would have spent his King’s Shilling in the bar of the Albion before going to face the horrors of the Western Front. The Albion Inn dates from the late 1880’s and Mike and Christina have managed to retain the traditional three room layout covering Vault, Snug and Lounge, containing Great War artefacts and pictures, which give a distinct period feel, together with posters and enamelled advertising signs. At the same time, The Albion provides high standards of food, drink and accommodation, worthy of its entry in many National and International Guides and Publications.