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Classified Advertisements Advertising in this column is 50 cents a line. No less than four nor more than ten lines accepted. Count seven words to the line. All orders must be accom panied by a remittance. Further information sent on request. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. INVENTORS.-Send for free sample copy 'World's Progress' devoted to interests of inventors. All latest developments in scientific and industrial world. World's Progress 510 12th St '41iashington D. C. OPPORTUNITIES.-3.000 POSITIONS FOR SALES Offices Clerical and Technical men. Salaries $600 to $5000. Information free. Twelve offices. Write today Hapgoods 305 Broadway N. Y. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER experi enced and accurate in .atent law desires position with patent attorney. Address C. P. 173 Lexington Avenue New York City. START A NEWSPAPER IN SOME LIVE TOWN. Good money in it for a hustler. Cost $5.60 weekly. I will tell you how to do it. G. Tunison 15 Vandewater Street. New York. WE ARE MANUFACTURING SELENIUM in rods and batteries up to 900000 ohms resistance as used In wireless telephony telegraphy and telescopy. etc. Write to the Van Bergh Radio-Active Chemical Works 101 W. 5th Street New York. M. M. FOR 1908 best MOTORCYCLE proposition on earth. All new features. 3% H. P. Newly designed frame. New M. M. spring forks. Write for details and Catalogue. B. M. Motor Co. Brockton Mass. GREAT OPPORTUNITY.-Selling goods by mail; improved plan new catalogue listing blab-class mer chandise. If you can invest $25 to $100 write us we will show you an easy way. Milburn-Hicks 815 Pontiac Building Chicago. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED. - Big profits; Gre-Solvent cleans hands instantly; removes grease paint ink etc.; every mechanic buys; get sample and terms. Utility Co. 646 West 44th Street New York. PATENTS FOR SALE. PATENTS FOR SALE. 860.336. Structural Steel Fly wheel Wire Rope Rim to replace Cast Iron Wheels wnich fly apart. For full particulars address Schultz St. Davids Pa. the inventor thereof. SEVERAL PAT