. Archivi di medicina fisica e di riabilitazione. Installazione era thepaure dei pazienti che vengono a contatto con cavi ad alta tensione, ed itwas solo dopo la sua installazione che manyother buone caratteristiche sono state scoperte. Si ricorderà che questo tipo di in-stallation utilizzava un muro perpendicolare e che un fascio orizzontale di x-raypassava attraverso l'apertura nel wallin per raggiungere il paziente. Le modifiche di questo impianto sono state impiegate da Soiland, Ernstand vari altri lavoratori. Durante il trattamento di pazienti con questo tipo di installazione in un periodo di allostdue anni
2479 x 1008 px | 42 x 17,1 cm | 16,5 x 6,7 inches | 150dpi
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. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation . installation was thefear of the patients coming incontact with high tension wires, and itwas only after its installation that manyother good features were discovered. Itwill be remembered that this type of in-stallation utilized a perpendicular walland that a horizontal beam of x-raypassed through the opening in the wallin order to reach the patient. Manymodifications of this installation havesince been employed by Soiland, Ernstand various other workers. While treating patients with this typeof installation over a period of almosttwo years we naturally recognize its de-fects, as well as its many good features, and an effort has been made to elimi-nate, so far as possible, the imperfec-tions. One of the more important fea-tures added is that of treating twopatients from the same tube at the sametime. A careful study of tlie report of Dr.Coolidge on the distribution of radia-tion from the target of a Coolidge tube, as published in the American Journalof Roentgenology, and a study of Fig-. 244 ures 1, 2 and 3 will convince one thatthe procedure is scientific. The writers own installation, as usedat the present time, does not have theentire transformer room lead lined, butthe tube is contained in a closet ^Yi by2Yl feet wide and 6 feet tall and thehigh tension terminals pass into thiscloset through insulators. The closet islined with three-eighths inch sheet leadand a current of air is forced through itfor cooling and ventilation. This is doneby means of a blower situated at thefloor, which takes the air by means of apipe from the top of the transformerroom in order to remove gasage fromthis room, and blows it directly onto thetube and passes out at the top of thebooth by means of a second conduit, changing the air completely in both thetube booth and transformer room onceeach minute. It will be noticed in Figure I thatthe tube is placed near one wall andquite a distance from the other wall.From wall No. 1 it is placed