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3592 x 2560 px | 30,4 x 21,7 cm | 12 x 8,5 inches | 300dpi
Data acquisizione:
7 gennaio 1957
Glynfada, Greece
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July 1, 1957 - Glynfada, Greece - ARISTOTLE SOCRATES ONASSIS - named after two Greek philosophers, went from being totally broke at age 21 to being a millionaire at age 23. Aristotle was an Illuminati king, a shipping tycoon, an intelligent ruthless hard-driving man, a man of the world who spoke a number of languages such as French, Spanish, English, Italian, and Turkish. After divorcing his first wife, he gained special prominence in the United States through his marriage to Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, widow of President John F. Kennedy. A controversial figure in world finance, Onassis was formerly the principal stockholder of the company that controlled the Monte Carlo casino. He was also the founder of Olympic Airways of Greece. PICTURED: With wife ATHINA ONASSIS during a charity gala in Asteria Night Club. (Credit Image: © KEYSTONE Pictures USA)
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