Bildnummer: 58021957 Datum: 06.05.2012 Copyright: imago/Xinhua (120522) -- SHANGHAI, 22 maggio 2012 (Xinhua) -- Anatoly Burov (L) compra verdure vicino alla sua residenza a Shanghai, Cina orientale, 6 maggio 2012. Il 39enne Anatoly Burov viene da San Pietroburgo della Russia. Dopo la laurea al Rochester Institute of Technology nel 2008, fondò una società di tecnologia elettronica con il suo tutor negli Stati Uniti. Per negoziare affari con il cliente dell'azienda, Anatoly è venuto a Shanghai per la prima volta nello stesso anno. Questa esperienza a breve termine gli ha fatto amare la città portuale. Un anno dopo
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Bildnummer: 58021957 Datum: 06.05.2012 Copyright: imago/Xinhua (120522) -- SHANGHAI, May 22, 2012 (Xinhua) -- Anatoly Burov (L) buys vegetables near his residence in Shanghai, east China, May 6, 2012. The 39-year-old Anatoly Burov comes from St.Petersburg of Russia. After graduation from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2008, he founded an electronic technology company with his tutor in the United States. To negotiate business with the company s client, Anatoly came to Shanghai for the first time in the same year. This short-term experience made him love the port city. One year later, Anatoly returned to Shanghai and got a job in an electronic enterprise located in Zhangjiang High-tech Park of Pudong District. Here, the Russian man devoted himself to the research and development of projection aligner as an engineer. He and his group received several awards for their research contribution. In October of 2011, Anatoly became an expert of a Shanghai s talent program. Over the past two years in the city, Anatoly insisted on learning Chinese language. By now, he has been able to communicate with others in Chinese fluently. Besides the language, he was also interested in Chinese calligraphy and tea arts. In spare time, he made a large amount of friends in China. People in the city are friendly, Anatoly said, I like their manner. Next month, Anatoly s wife, who is a lawyer in the U.S., will come to Shanghai for family reunion. He looks forward to her arrival. Like me, my wife also likes the city and there, the Russian man said. (Xinhua/Lai Xinlin) (mcg) (laowai) CHINA-SHANGHAI-RUSSIAN TECHNICIAN ANATOLY BUROV (CN) PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Gesellschaft Einwanderer Ausländer Fotostory x0x xst 2012 quer 58021957 Date 06 05 2012 Copyright Imago XINHUA Shanghai May 22 2012 XINHUA Anatoly Burov l Buys Vegetables Near His Residence in Shanghai East China May 6 2012 The 39 Year Old Anatoly Burov COMES from St Petersburg of Russia After Graduation from The Rochester I
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