. Bollettino del Dipartimento di Geologia. La geologia. 1919] Merriam: terziario faune di mammiferi del deserto Mohave 553 piccole antero-extcrnal piega. Diversi altri esemplari di Ricardo mostra circa i caratteri si vede in questo tipo. Ricardo esemplari presentano una notevole variazione nella dimensione e forma. Gli estremi di differenza sono probabilmente quelli che separa il campione tipo dalla dentizione completa rappresentata in n. 21311 descritto di seguito come Hipparion mohavense mllodonte. Le lacune sono in parte a ponte ma non è improbabile che due o più specie distinte sono rappresentati. HIPPAEION M
1701 x 1469 px | 28,8 x 24,9 cm | 11,3 x 9,8 inches | 150dpi
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. Bulletin of the Department of Geology. Geology. 1919] Merriam: Tertiary Mammalian Faunas of Mohave Desert 553 small antero-extcrnal fold. Several other specimens from the Ricardo show approximately the characters seen in this type. The Ricardo specimens exhibit considerable variation in size and form. The extremes of difference are probably those separating the type specimen from the complete dentition represented in no. 21311 described below as Hipparion mohavense mllodonte. The gaps are partly bridged, but it is not improbable that two or more distinct species are represented.. HIPPAEION MOHAVENSE CALLODONTE Merriam Figures 171 to 175 H. m. caltodonte Merriam. "Univ. Calif. Publ., Bull. Dept. Geol., vol. 9, p. 54, figs. 5-7, 1915. Type specimen no. 21311, a practically complete upper and lower dentition from locality 2281, in the upper portion of the Eicardo Pliocene, near Eicardo Post Office, California. A finely preserved specimen (no. 21311, figs. 171-175) representing all of the elements of the cheek-tooth denti- tion, and several incisors was discovered by E. M. Butterworth in 1913. This specimen shows the dentition very slight- ly worn, with M3 not yet in function. The upper cheek-teeth are slightly larger than those of the Hipparion mohavense specimen no. 21320. The protocone shows more marked transverse flatten- ing, the enamel pattern exhibits more numerous folds, but fewer which are deep and well rounded. Much of the difference to which attention has just been directed is evidently due to the fact that the teeth of H. m. calloclonte are in a less advanced stage of wear. The difference in complication of the enamel folds may not be explained on this basis.- In specimen 21311 the complete lower cheek-tooth series is present with the upper series. P4 shows incipient wear; M3 was not yet in function. These teeth represent an individual somewhat larger than the type specimen of mohavense. The enamel is markedly folded, though not as strongly as in some