Catalogo dei fossili Reptilia e Amphibia nel British Museum (Storia Naturale) ..Di Richard Lydekker .. . Ichthyosaurus communis. - ossa Dei Denti nella terza fila trasversale di pagaia pelvica. Yascular foraminain centro delle ossa delle pale molto minuto e indistinto. Le variazioni di luce si verificano sotto forma di palette di differenti individualiincluse nella presente voce specifica; ma queste variazioni non sono considerate di importanza più che razziale. Thisspecies ha raggiunto dimensioni alquanto inferiori a 1. Hnchiodon. Nel caso di scheletri giovani e teschi imperfetti, è frequente
1180 x 2118 px | 20 x 35,9 cm | 7,9 x 14,1 inches | 150dpi
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Catalogue of the fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural history) ..By Richard Lydekker .. . Ichthyosaurus communis.—Tooth bones in third transverse row of pelvic paddle. Yascular foraminain centre of bones of paddles very minute and indistinct. Slightvariations occur in the form of the paddles of different individualsincluded under the present specific heading; but these variationscan scarcely be regarded as of more than racial importance. Thisspecies attained dimensions somewhat inferior to 1. hnchiodon. In the case of young skeletons and imperfect skulls, it is frequentlydifficult to distinguish between this species and /. intermedins. Hah. Europe (England). 41849. Slab showing the left aspect of a medium-sized skeleton, {Fig.) wanting the greater part of the caudal region ; from theLower Lias of Lyme-Regis, Dorsetshire. The bones ofthe brain-case are much crushed, but the rostrum is wellpreserved, and considerably exceeds twice the longerdiameter of the orbit. The dorsal aspect of the coracoids ICHTHTOSAURIDJ«;. 43. Ichthyosaurus communis.—Dorsal aspect of the left pectoral and ventral aspectof the right pelvic limb of No. 41849. . h, humerus; r, radius; u, ulna;i, intermedium ; t, tibia; /, fibula. The vertical lines show the pro-portionate length of the pectoral limb to the skull; the longer line beingthe length of the skull. and pectoral limbs are exposed ; the left pectoral limbbeing thrown to the front. The paddles are nearly perfectand are broad and ovate in contour; the pectoral onecontaining 8 and the pelvic 6 longitudinal rows of phalan-geals. The length of the pectoral limb (fig. 20) is 0, 255(10 inches), and its greatest width 0, 090 (3*5 inches);the length of the skull being 0, 432 (17 inches). Thevertical lines in fig. 20 show the proportionate length ofthe paddle to the skull. In the pelvic limb the inter-medium articulates with the femur (fig. 20). Purchased, 1870. 1064. Cast of a slab showing an imperfect skeleton of medium