CITTÀ DEL MESSICO, Messico: Il volto intricato intagliato di una dea azteca, probabilmente Coyolxauhqui, su una pietra monolitica scoperta nel sito del Templo Mayor. Questo capolavoro di scultura Mexica mette in mostra il raffinato stile artistico del tardo periodo azteco e fornisce informazioni sulla loro iconografia religiosa e credenze cosmologiche.
7360 x 4912 px | 62,3 x 41,6 cm | 24,5 x 16,4 inches | 300dpi
Data acquisizione:
11 gennaio 2017
Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, Mexico City, Mexico
Altre informazioni:
Photograph by David Coleman. This image captures a close-up view of the face on a monolithic stone carving, believed to represent the Aztec goddess Coyolxauhqui, discovered at the Templo Mayor site in Mexico City. The sculpture, dating to the decades just before the Spanish conquest, exemplifies the pinnacle of Mexica artistic achievement. The goddess's face is depicted with remarkable detail and symbolism. Her eyes are carved in a distinctive half-moon shape, possibly alluding to her lunar associations. The wide nose and gaunt mouth contribute to the powerful expression of the deity. Notably, the cheeks bear circular markings, identified as characteristic of earth goddess imagery in Aztec iconography. The sculpture shows the goddess with curly hair, a feature associated with deities of darkness, earth, and the underworld in Aztec cosmology. Emerging from this hair are large paper flags, symbols of sacrifice, underscoring the complex religious symbolism embodied in the piece. Prominent ears adorned with circular jewels and hanging cloth panels frame the face, adding to the ornate nature of the representation. The overall composition and attention to detail reflect the sophisticated sculptural techniques of the Mexica artisans. This monolithic carving, placed at the foot of the Templo Mayor, served not just as a work of art but as a central element in Aztec religious practices and cosmic understanding. Its discovery and preservation offer modern viewers a window into the rich spiritual and artistic world of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica.
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