pleasure, optimistic, young lady, enjoyment, part, delight, amusement, fun fair, head in the clouds, sportswear, positive thinking, daydream, day dreaming, wondering, woman only, enchanted, foreground in focus, human head, Funfair, pondering, one teenager, human mouth, daytime, day dream, 18 year old, 18 years, casual clothes, young adult women, optimist, standing up, young adult woman, contemplating, eyes raised, fascination, delightful, Awestruck, observing, partial, amuse, brunet, 18-19, 17-18, eighteen, enjoyable, entrancing, good looking, looking upward, 17-18 year, 18 years old, captivating, 18 year, blank space, amused, awe inspiring, pleasing, model released, standup, stand-up, space for copy, Radius Images, staring into space, three quarters view, teenage girls only, one person only, one teenage girls only, only one person, pleasurable, overcast day, young women only, Baden Wurttemberg, 18-19 years old, age 18-19, close-up view, 18-19 year, 18 to 19, 18 to 19 year, 18 to 19 year old, 18 to 19 years, 18 to 19 years old, 17-18 years old, 17 to 18, 17 to 18 year, 17 to 18 year old, 17 to 18 years, 17 to 18 years old, model release, long-haired, expressing positivity, Federal Republic of Germany, color picture, day time, day-dream, day-dreaming