. Conversazioni sulla storia del Massachusetts, dal suo insediamento al periodo attuale; per l'uso di scuole e famiglie. le loro azioni presenteranno il loro più vero ritratto ai posteri, e il rispetto della repubblica ai loro ricordi sarà il loro monumento più nobile. Q,. Chi fu il successore di GovernorEustis ? Levi Lincoln, che ogni anno ha avuto 140 CONVERSAZIONI SUGLI eletti alla carica di governatore dall'anno1825. Fu governatore di Lieut* durante l'amministrazione di Go
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. Conversations on the history of Massachusetts, from its settlement to the present period; for the use of schools and families. ture, their names will be preserved inthe Declaration of Independence, and interwoven with thenational history; their actions will present their truest portraitsto posterity, and the respect of the republic to their memorywill be their noblest monument. Q, . Who was the successor of GovernorEustis ? A. Levi Lincoln, who has been annually 140 CONVERSATIONS ON THE elected to the office of governor from the year1825. He was lieut* governor during the administration of Gov-ernor Sullivan, in 1807, and the last year of Governor Brooks, in 1823. Q.. What has been the state of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures m Massachusettsduring the five 3^ears of Governor Lincolnsadministration ? A. Prosperous and flourishing. Gt. What national edifice for benevolentpurposes was erected in Massachusetts in theyear 1827 ? A. The United States Marine Hospital, or asylum for sick and disabled seamen ; anelegant stone building, in the town of Chel-sea, about 3 miles from Boston. MARINE HOSPITAL AT CHELSEA.. HISTORY OP MAS8ACHDSETTS. 141 Q, . What improvements have been madein education dining the last five years ? A. Very considerable improvements ; a-mong which are the establishment of infantschools ; the adoption of new methods andsystems of histruction ; and the introductionof additional apparatus into the primaryschool:^. Great improvements have been made in agriculture, bymeans of associations for the purpose, which have been formedin nearly every county in the state ; commerce, especially thecoasting trade, has been very much increased ; and manufac-tures of almost every kind, have rapidly advanced towardsperfection, and many of them are conducted on an extensivescale, particularly the manufacture of cottons at the thrivingvillage of Lowell. The institution of Sabbath Schools during the last ten years, may also be reckoned as an importeuU auxiliary to the i