Costruzione navale e spedizione Record . Arch ed exjjeriments. Mi-.Merz sarà anche un membro del Centra! (Comitato del Boardof Invenzione e Re.-ricerc sotto la presidenza dell'ammiraglio della flotta Lord Fisher. Le funzioni del Comitato centrale. IL TORTEDOED REWA. Lo=s del Reiva wa.s ufficialmente infastidito dal Secretayof l'Ammiragliato nella seguente commmiique:- la sua nave ospedale di Majestys Rewa.s silurò e sankin il canale di Bristol circa mezzanotte il 4 gennaio sulla sua strada da Gibilterra. * AH il womided «ere trasferito sicuro ai vasi di pattuglia, andThere erano sopra
1955 x 1278 px | 33,1 x 21,6 cm | 13 x 8,5 inches | 150dpi
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Shipbuilding and Shipping Record . arch and exjjeriments. Mi-.Merz will also be a member of the Centra! (Committee of the Boardof Invention and Re.-earch under the presidency of Admiral of theFleet Lord Fisher. The functions of the Central Committee will. THE TORPEDOED REWA. The lo=s of the Reiva wa.s officially annoimced by the Secretaryof the Admiralty in the following commmiique:— His Majestys hospital ship Rewa wa.s torpedoed and sankin the Bristol Channel about midnight on January 4 on her way homefrom Gibraltar. * AH the womided «ere safely transferred to patrol vessels, andthere were only three casualties among her crew, three Lascars beingmissuig. She was displaying aU the lights and markings required by theHague Convention, and she was not—and had not been—within theso-called barred zone as delimited in the statement issued by the(Ierman Government on January 29, 1917. h details of this crime have alreiuly appeared in the jjress, antl i( is uuner-cssary. therefore, to dwell further upon them, suffice. The Torpedoed Hospital Ship ? Rewa. as hitherto, be to initiate, investigate, develop, and advise generallyupon proposals in respect to the application of .science and engineer-ing to naval warfare, but the distinguished scientific experts atpresent giving their services will in future work much more closelywith the technical departments of the Admiralty immediatelyconcerned with the production and use of ap])aratus required fo, -specific purposes. The general arrangement s in regard to the organisation of scientificresearch and experiment will in future come under the direct super-vision of the First Lord. Varmi-ani> Co. -This company proposes to rnXnu its Cfliiitnl to£i:J8, 000 and equip a new yard at Kailstad for the construction oflarge wooden sea lighter.s and composite-built steamships of I.OOtitons d.w. capacity. If is hnpcil that the first vc-^selwill soon hecommenced. it to say that the Emm is (he si.xth British hospital ship tliat hasbeen