Dreer giardino del calendario per il 1892 : un catalogo di scelta vegetale, campo e semi di fiori nuovo, rare e splendide piante di attrezzi da giardino e concimi . dreersgardencale1892henr Anno: 1892 piante migliori per il giardino e la serra. 113 â â ¢ â ¢ â ¢ â ¢ Dreer doppio frange nelle petunie. Pansies. Come abbiamo dato questo impianto speciale selezione e coltivazione, stock offerto può essere invocata come abbracciando il meglio da stranieri e collezioni. Si combina con i fiori di dimensioni maggiori e migliori formano la più squisita gradazioni di colore. Pot-coltivati, 15 centesimi ogni; §1,50 per doze
1104 x 1812 px | 18,7 x 30,7 cm | 7,4 x 12,1 inches | 150dpi
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Dreer's garden calendar for 1892 : a catalogue of choice vegetable, field and flower seeds new, rare and beautiful plants garden implements and fertilizers . dreersgardencale1892henr Year: 1892 BEST PLANTS FOR GARDEN AND GREENHOUSE. 113 â ⢠⢠⢠a ⢠Dreer's Double Fringed Petunias. Pansies. As we have given this plant special selection and cultivation, the stock offered can be relied on as embracing the best from foreign and domestic collections. It combines with flowers of the largest size and finest form the most exquisite gradations of color. Pot-grown, 15 cents each; §1.50 per dozen. Out of frames, 10 cents each ; 75 cents per dozen ; §5.00 per 100. PHYLLOT^NIUM LINDENI. A beautiful foliage plant, with large calla-like leaves of a beautiful velvety green, zebra striped on the stem. §1.50 each. PRIMULA OBCONICA. An ever-blooming Primrose bearing on long stems heads containing 10 to 15 flowers. It thrives in a cool house and will grow in favor with those desiring plants that will grow easily. The flowers are pure white, shading occasionally to lilac, and have the true Primrose fragrance. In bloom nearly the whole season. 25 cents each ; 6 for §1.00. PARDANTHUS SINENSIS. (Blackberry Lily.) Lily-like flowers of a bright orange color, spotted with red, which are succeeded by seeds that resemble blackberries. 10 cents each ; 12 for §1.00. 8 DREER'S DouBIe Fringed For many years we have made a specialty of Double Petunias, growing from three to five thou- sand seedlings annually, from which we select the best for propagation. We have discarded the plain- edged sorts, as the fringed and laced varieties listed below are very much better. Ada. Purplish' crimson edged with pure white ; very large. Alamo. Mottled crimson edged with white. Apollo. Deep crimson centres changing through the various shades of rose and blush to pure white on the edges. Beauty. Most beautiful silvery rose; a distinct and handsome variety. Ceres. Pure white mottled w