. Elementi di pista ferroviaria e costruzione. Hovel, è uno degli attrezzi più usedrailroad; in lavori di costruzione si divide con il raccoglitore di creta. Sui lavori in pista non viene utilizzato esclusivamente per tutti gli scopi di pala, ma anche per la manomissione della pista, più chilometri di pista vengono manomessi con il thevel che con le barre di compattazione e i picchiettatori. Le pale si usurano a causa dell'usura sottile della lama e della rottura del metallo nel punto della lama. Dopo che la lama si userà sottile si piegheranno facilmente, anche se non EFFETTUERÀ LA MANUTENZIONE DI SENSO. 215 si rompe ed è una vista comune vedere un operaio usingla rotaia per un'incudine e uno straig
2210 x 1130 px | 37,4 x 19,1 cm | 14,7 x 7,5 inches | 150dpi
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. Elements of railroad track and construction . hovel, is one of the most usedrailroad implements; in construction work it divideshonors with the clay pick. On track work it is not onlyused for all shoveling purposes, but also for tampingthe track, more miles of track being tamped with theshovel than with tamping bars and picks. Shovels wear out by the blade wearing thin and themetal breaking at the point of the blade. After theblade wears thin it will bend easily, even if it will not MAINTENANCE OF WAY. 215 breaks and it is a common sight to see a workman usingthe rail for an anvil and straightening the point of hisshovel with a spiking hammer. Shovel handles areusually riveted fast to the blade, but there are a numberof patent handles ui which the parts may be replaced.Except in case of accident or carelessness, the handle willalways outlast the blade, consequently it is not econom-ical to use an expensive patent handle. 206. Ballast Forks.—A fourteen-tine ballast fork isshown in r ig. 121. The tines are ISJ inches long, and at. Fig. 121. the point are y of an inch wide and -^ of an inch wide atthe upper end, | of a inch thick, and have wedge-shapedpoints. When the space between the points is | of aninch, the total width is 12| inches. The handle is thesame as the handle of a short-handle or scoop shovel.Under some circumstances ballast is handled with aNo. 2 shovel, but when fine material and dirt are to beexcluded, which is in most cases, a ballast fork is used. 207. Wrenches.—^Two wrenches are given in thetable, viz., track and screw wrenches. A screw wrench 216 RAILROAD TRACK AND CONSTRUCTION. is one that can be adjusted to any size nut. They areof two general forms, viz., pipe-wrenches, for grippinground surfaces, and monkey-wrenches, for gripping nutswith plane surfaces. These forms of wrenches are usedby trackmen only in special cases. Track wrenches consist of a straight bar of | by 1 J-inchsteel, with one end upset and formed as in Fig. 122. Whenbolt