Expeditions organizzato o partecipato dal Smithsonian Institution.. . A Palopo. Dr.Abbott ha scritto di me circa l importanza di questa parte centrale di Celebesethnologically, e da quello che ho sentito dire da funzionari qui deve essere veryinteresting paese. Penso che se io uso Paloe o Parigi come base e prima fare un viaggio a nord fromthere avrò abbastanza ben coperto tutte questa penisola settentrionale. Poi ho canwork verso sud. In Minahassa mi hanno deluso per non essere in grado di ottenere più batsand più grandi mammiferi. Poco tempo fa ho avuto una grande scoiattolo thesize circa di Ratufa che
2022 x 1236 px | 34,2 x 20,9 cm | 13,5 x 8,2 inches | 150dpi
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Expeditions organized or participated in by the Smithsonian Institution.. . to Palopo. Dr.Abbott has written me about the importance of this central part of Celebesethnologically, and from what I have heard from officials here it must be veryinteresting country. I think if I use Paloe or Parigi as a base and first make a trip north fromthere I shall have fairly well covered all this northern peninsula. Then I canwork southward. In Minahassa I have been disappointed at not being able to get more batsand more large mammals. A short time ago I got a large squirrel about thesize of a Ratufa which I believe is very rare here. NO. 17 SMITHSONIAN EXPLORATIONS, I916 35 Duriui^ tliis expedition Mr. Raven has traveled by land insteadof by water. His covered cart is shown in the photograph (fig. 37).At Parigi he intended to secure about six pack horses. Only one shipment of specimens had been received up to January8, 1917. It includes three hundred and nineteen mammals and aboutthree hundred l)irds ; also numerous reptiles, mollusks, and insects. (jERRiT S. Miller, Jr.. jiBiBHHHHHil^HHHHII^Bi^HHBHB-- Fig. sj.—.My cart and horses on the road to Tondano. hi this way 1 traveledwherever there were good roads in Minahassa. EXPLORATION IN CHINA Owing to a variety of circumstances, the work of Mr. Arthurde C. Sowerby, in China, has been less successful than usual. Atthe end of 1915 he visited Shanghai and parts of the neighboringcountry on the lower Yangtze. Field-work during this expeditiondid not produce any very important results ; but the examination ofthe Heude collection of mammals in the Sikawei Museum hasthrown much light on one of the most difiicult i^roblems connectedwith the systematic study of Chinese mammals. Heude assembleda large collection of skulls, chiefly of bears and ungulates, from all 36 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 66 parts of China, and from other regions in the east. He made thismaterial the basis of many technical papers. In all of these he a