Febbraio 24, 2012 - La risurrezione di Cristo - il soggetto di un giapponese la danza classica eseguita per la prima volta nella storia: rivoluzionaria partenza per Tokyo's 500 anni Noh classica ballerini essendo prestazioni quest'anno. Una trentina di minuti di danza raffigurante o che simboleggia la resurrezione di Cristo, si svolge in un'impostazione dovrebbero rappresentare ''Dawn prima che il dato di Gesù''
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Feb. 24, 2012 - Christ's Resurrection - the Subject Of A Japanese Classical Dance Performed For The First Time In History: Revolutionary departure for Tokyo's 500-years-old classical Noh dancers being performance this year. A 30-minute dance depicting or symbolising Christ's Resurrection, takes place in a setting supposed to represent ''Dawn before the gave of Jesus''.As in all Noh Dances, the dancers wear masks, and the one representing Christ has been specially prepared by the New Christian Noh Committee which intends sending replicas to Queen Elizabeth of England, the Pope, and the President of the U.S.A. The Noh dance is dificult for a WEestrerner to appreciate and is the most classical form of Japanese, drama. It is chactrerized by suntle restrant, and yest depicts the depest emotipons. In its simplest essentials consists od a fdance preceded by a diagolouge explaining its significance. The dancer is called a ''shite'' or doer, and the subordinate charcherters who do the explaining are a called ''Waki''. There is a chours of seven or eight chant from the side of the stage to the music of a flute, two hand drums and a stick drums. The stage is built to strict rules measuring 18 feet square wqith curved roof. On the rear will a pine tree ub painetdm and the other three sides are open. The chours sits on the right and the musicuian at the near. A long gallery, 9 feet wide, leads to the changing room. The ''Shite'' In The Dressing Room, The dcer of tghe Noh Company is dressed in a magnificient robe by his assistants before the commenments of the dance. He is the famous Noh dancver Kuro Hosho. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS)
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