. Fioristi' review [microformati]. Floricoltura. Mpntlnn Thp Rprlpw whpn writp Toti La Aiiicriean Friciuls' Si-rvice coiii- iiiittee relazioni larjje ricevere donazioni di semi da San Francisco per la carestia rej, io(>n in Kussia. Questo commit- tee sta facendo opera di soccorso in Hnssia ami semi sono un materiale con il quale dovremmo liel]i il jteasants affamati, in modo che essi possano i)lant loro cro]è. A ])rogetto stese hy la California vivaisti Association ha appena ri- ricevuto l approvazione del San Fran- cisco Chamlier di commercio. L'asso- prezzamento augura un grande giardino Ixitanical per
1765 x 1416 px | 29,9 x 24 cm | 11,8 x 9,4 inches | 150dpi
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. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Mpntlnn Thp Rprlpw whpn Toti writp The Aiiicriean Friciuls' Si-rvice coiii- iiiittee reports receiving larjje donations of seeds from San Francisco for the famine rej, 'i(>n in Kussia. This commit- tee is doing relief work in Hnssia ami seeds are a material with which we should liel]i the starving jteasants, in order that they may i)lant their cro]is. A ])roject put forth hy the California Nurserymen's Association has just re- ceived the endorsement of the San Fran- cisco Chamlier of Commerce. The asso- ciation wishes a great Ixitanical garden to l)e established in Ciohleu (Jate park. If the ]ilan goes through. ]dants will be brought from all of those ])arts of the world where the soil and climatic con- ditions resemble those of San Francisco. The garden would be useful to land- scape artists, flower growers and orchardists who want to add variety to their stock. In the event of the estab- lishment of such a garden, these men "California" Plant Tub. (REDWOOD) The "Oallfornla" Plant Tub tl a special product for Florlats and Narserjrmen. Ex. pert workmanship, artistic lines, harmonl- oas color and substantial qnallty. Made from selected No. 1 Redwood, bound with electrically welded wire hoops. No better tub made. NET WH0LE8ALK PRICE LIST Size Each Doz. 100 8-inch tO.BB $9.00 167.00 10-lnch 1.10 ll.M 64.00 12-lnch 1.80 16.60 121.00 14-lnch 2.26 26.00 187.00 16-lnch 2.60 29.00 2K.00 18-lnch 3.26 36.00 266.00 20-lnch 3.86 42.00 322.00 22-lnch 6.28 67.00 441.00 24-inch 7.2B 78.00 696.00 SO-lnch 10.76 120.00 910.00 F. O. B. Factory, Los AnRelea- Prices Subject to Change Without Notice. ROY r. WILCOX & CO. NontebeUi, Cil r Manofactorera Wholesale Florists and NarssrymeB Mention The Review when yon write. PORTLAND HARDY PERENNIALS The Best U the Cheapest. Ask for Price List. Field-grown. The Wiirld*! Best. Mountain View Floral Co., Portland, Oregon Mention The Review when you write. FREESIAS Prechtl &