Adorabili immagini mostrano parte rare-albino dolphin affettuosamente chiamato "patch" facendo un aspetto per la delizia locale di whale-watching ma la cui condizione ha confuso gli scienziati. Il Tursiope è un distintivo ma misteriosi rosa e grigio colorazione che i ricercatori ritengono che potrebbe essere dovuto ad una parziale albinismo, ma sono ancora a venire con una teoria definitiva. La fantastica foto sono state scattate dal fotografo e animale-amante Dale Frink (34) appena al largo di Newport Beach in California. Egli ha usato una Canon 1DX MKII per catturare questi intimo-momenti di patch con il suo pod. "Patch
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ADORABLE images show rare part-albino dolphin affectionately called ‘Patches’ making an appearance to the delight of local whale-watchers but whose condition has confused scientists. The bottlenose dolphin has a distinctive but mysterious pink and grey colouring which scientist believe could be due to partial albinism, but are yet to come up with a definitive theory. The amazing photos were taken by photographer and animal-lover Dale Frink (34) just off Newport Beach in California. He used a Canon 1DX MKII to capture these intimate close-up moments of Patches with his pod. “Patches is an Offshore Bottlenose Dolphin with a unique skin coloration of unknown origin, ” he said. “Whale watchers have documented this dolphin with its pod as far south as the US/Mexico border and as far north as the Santa Barbara Channel. “It is the ability to identify this animal that has given us valuable insight into the movements of wild pods of bottlenose dolphins.” Bottlenose dolphins like Patches are hunted in Japan either for food or to be kept in captivity. The prime targets for Japanese captivity are young bottlenose dolphins without blemishes or, on the contrary, those with significant colours or patterns. “When dolphins are rounded up in the cove [in Japan] they are selected for the aquarium trade based on their physical attractiveness, ” Dale explains. “Unique specimens attract a lot of demand and a high price. “An albino bottlenose dolphin named ‘Angel’ has been a big draw at a Japanese museum.” He hopes his photographs will inspire people to have a new-found sense of protectiveness towards these incredible creatures. “Dolphins are highly sophisticated animals unsuited to aquarium captivity as their needs cannot be met in concrete tanks. Taking them out of the wild is particularly cruel.” Where: California, United States When: 05 Feb 2017 Credit: Dale Frink / **Only available for
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