Daily Mirror Ruggles feature del team presso il National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, sviluppando il calcolo automatico motore noto come il pilota di ACE. Il pilota di ACE ha eseguito il suo primo programma il 10 maggio 1950 ed è stato dimostrato per la stampa in Decemb
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Daily Mirror Ruggles feature on the the team at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, developing the Automatic Computing Engine known as the Pilot ACE. The Pilot ACE ran its first program on May 10, 1950 and was demonstrated to the press in December 1950. Although originally intended as a prototype, it was clear from its initial tests that the machine was a potentially very useful resource, especially given the lack of other computing devices at the time. After some upgrades to make operational use practical, it went into service in late 1951, and saw considerable operational service over the next several years. Daily Mirror Ruggles feature on the the team at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, developing the Automatic Computing Engine known as the Pilot ACE. The Pilot ACE ran its first program on May 10, 1950 and was demonstrated to the press in December 1950. Although originally intended as a prototype, it was clear from its initial tests that the machine was a potentially very useful resource, especially given the lack of other computing devices at the time. After some upgrades to make operational use practical, it went into service in late 1951, and saw considerable operational service over the next several years. Our Picture Shows: Daily Mirror Ruggles reporter with E. T. Goodwin in his office at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. 8th July 1952
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