close ups, soak, cleanliness, lavender color, 30 year old, sitting down, only women, casual appearance, cosmetology, adult women, adult woman, thirty, solo, 30 years, 30 something, casual wear, 30's, adult only, casual dress, cut off, patron, seated, casual clothes, 30-40 years old, 1 person, 30-34, thirties, select focus, making up, partial, purple color, no head, North American, only woman, aloneness, differential focus, Grown ups, human being, health farm, thirty something, 30-40 year, 30-39, 30-39 years, 30 year, 30-40 years, 30 years old, 30 to 40, 30 to 40 year, 30 to 40 year old, 30 to 40 years, 35-39, somebody, human finger, head cut off, close-up view, close shot, close up view, casual attire, Caucasian appearance, model released, one person only, lavender colour, life-style, lilac color, lilac colour, making-up, mid adult women only, model release, only one person, neck down, One Mid Adult Woman, purple colour, purplish, Radius Images, selective-focus, selectively focused, selectively focussed, retail place, B C, age 30-34, age 35-39, close-shot, Closeup view, early 30s, early thirties, cutoff, cut-off, human female, someone, thirty to thirty four, thirty to thirty four year old, thirty to thirty four years old, thirtysomething, thirty-something, violet color, violet colour, West Coast Province, white ethnicity, thirty five to thirty nine, thirty five to thirty nine year old, thirty five to thirty nine years old, 35-39 year, 35-39 year old, 35-39 years old, 30 to 40 years old, 30-34 year old, 30-34 years old, 30 - 34 Years, 30- 34 years, 30 To 34 Year Old, 30 to 34 year olds, 30 to 34 years, 30 to 34 years old, 35 to 39 years old, 35 to 39 year, 35 To 39 Year Old, 35 - 39 Years, 35- 39 years