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American General Colin Powell, in London for a conference on equal opportunities in the armed forces. * 07/12/01 Breakaway republican and loyalist terror groups have been named on a list of groups whose supporters are banned from the United States. The groups named were the Continuity IRA, the Orange Volunteers and the Red Hand Defenders. The move means their supporters will not be allowed into the United States and if they are found in the country, they will be deported by immigration officers. The groups were named on a list that includes a series of fronts for al Qaida and groups linked to Palestinian terror group Hamas and which US Secretary of State Colin Powell produced under new anti-terrorist powers. * 13/04/2002: Colin Powell will be in the Middle East, attempting to broker a peace deal between Israel and Palestine - at the same time a demonstration against Israeli military action in Palestine is to be held in London. The Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), who are organising the event, said they expected 15-20, 000 people to attend the march from Speakers' Corner, in Hyde Park, to Trafalgar Square. Anas Altikriti, of the MAB, said protesters were due to arrive in the capital from all over the country, adding: "It's going to be a peaceful demonstration. This whole event is in support of the plight of the Palestinian people and to show that a huge proportion of the British people are against the passive stance of the international community and our Government in particular against what is happening."
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