Giugno 30, 2012 - San Giuseppe, MI - le truppe montate poco dopo l'alba. Hanno controllato le loro armi e munizioni le loro cinghie come hanno aspettato per gli ordini. ''Tipici dell'esercito, affrettatevi e aspettare", incrinato un veterano. Una leggera brezza dal litorale era sollievo dal sudore e spesso il calore estivo..It avrebbe potuto essere le coste della Normandia nel 1944. O forse la isola di Iwo Jima nel Pacifico nel era un sabato di giugno in 2012, vicino a Michigan's Benton Harbor e san Giuseppe, sulle rive del lago Michigan. Cachi-placcato soldati, in americano o britannico di uniformi, non aveva ac
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June 30, 2012 - St. Joseph, MI - The troops assembled just after sunrise. They checked their weapons and their ammo belts as they waited for orders. ''Typical of the army, hurry up and wait, ' cracked one veteran. A gentle breeze from the shoreline was welcome relief from sweat and thick summertime heat..It could have been the shores of Normandy in 1944. Or perhaps the island of Iwo Jima in the Pacific in 1945..But it was a June Saturday in 2012, near Michigan's Benton Harbor and St. Joseph, on the shores of Lake Michigan. The khaki-clad soldiers, in American or British uniforms, hadn't actually joined the military to fight the German or Japanese enemy forces. What they had done was to saddle up with their vintage 1940's-era uniforms and rifles, jeeps, tanks, machine guns and troop transports to recreate the famous battles on the beach as their way of honoring ''The Greatest Generation.'' .The recreated battle scenes were organized by Lest We Forget, a local non-profit group...As bombers and fighter planes buzzed overhead, hundreds of re-enactors stormed the beach in WWII-era amphibious landing craft. A hundred more re-enactors -- dressed in German or Japanese military uniforms -- defended their positions from machine-gun equipped bunkers. Nearly 10, 000 spectators stood on the sidelines and gasped as they watched explosions blow sand and smoke skyward. Loud clatter of thousands of rounds of realistic but blank ammunition filled the air. .It's like you were right there, '' one emotional spectator said after watching the battles unfold in front of him. ''Kids need to see this, they need to know how our country was back in the 1940s. I think young people today don't know how it was back then, they typically don't take history seriously.''..The veterans remember how it used to be. Lest We Forget's mission is to educate students and adults about the military and America's military history. ''The simulated battles make it real for the students. Adults too. Maybe it
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