Guangzhou, Guangzhou, CHN. 6 apr, 2016. Guangzhou - Cina - Aprile 6, 2016: (solo uso editoriale. Cina OUT) ***SOVRAPPREZZO SI APPLICA.*** Le uova in tazze. La storia umana è una storia lottando contro le zanzare. Possiamo vincere questa guerra alla fine? Una zanzara la velocità di volo può essere fino a 1,5 a 2,5 chilometri orari, vibranti circa 594 volte al secondo durante il volo. Il 12 marzo 2015, Professore Xi Zhiyong della scuderia di Zhongshan University e l'università di Stato del Michigan di malattie tropicali centro rilasciato il primo lotto di ''sterilized mosquito'' in Guangzhou Nansha, ossia zanzare maschio portare nuovi
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April 6, 2016 - Guangzhou, Guangzhou, CHN - Guangzhou, CHINA - April 6, 2016: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY. CHINA OUT) ***PREMIUM FEE APPLIES.*** Eggs in cups. The human history is a history fighting against mosquitos. Can we win this war in the end? A mosquito's flight speed can be up to 1.5 to 2.5 kilometers per hour, vibrating about 594 times per second when flying. On March 12, 2015, Professor Xi Zhiyong's team from Zhongshan University and Michigan State University's tropical diseases center released the first batch of ''sterilized mosquito'' in Guangzhou Nansha, namely male mosquitos carry new Wolbachia white lines. This is the first experiment spot of sterilizated mosquitos. The team released about 6.5 million male mosquitoes, and the adult controlling effect rate reached 97%...Mosquito season in 2016 is coming soon. Xi will go to the second spot:DaDaosha Island Fanyu Guangzhou. This time we use the micro lens, closely observe the whole life process of ''sterilized mosquitoes'' embryo.....¢ñ''Seed''....The first ''sterilized mosquito'' seed, actually a few years ago already existed.....Xi Zhiyong is the first scientist who successfully put Wolbachia into mosquitos controlled by engue virus and malaria and establish a stable symbiosis. The so-called symbiotic, is not a simple ''bacterial infection'' type, but always stay together.....Around 2011, the team chose a stable symbiotic with the Verba J S body of the embryo by injecting thousands of mosquito embryos, and finally it grew into a female mosquito. This is the beginning of the ''seed'', ''now the mosquito to be released is from the female mosquito.''....A string of numerous small black spots on microscope slides, is the mosquito eggs.Staffs inject Wolbachia with a syringe at special parts of eggs, one single injection with one embryo.....IIFeed them with sheep blood ....In the world of mosquitos, female mosquitos live on blood, while the male mosquitos only live on grass juice, nectar. Aedes albopictus spread d
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