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Due process of law. Illustration shows a man wearing a top hat labeled Lawyer, sitting on a pile of money bags labeled Fees in a cart drawn by a donkey labeled The Law; the reins are labeled Red Tape and the harness is labeled Technicalities and Delays, hanging from a whip just beyond the donkey's reach is a carrot labeled Conviction of the Guilty, and a large horseshoe magnet labeled Positive and Negative hangs off the side of the cart. Date 1912 January 3. Due process of law. Illustration shows a man wearing a top hat labeled Lawyer, sitting on a pile of money bags labeled Fees in a cart drawn by a donkey labeled The Law; the reins are labeled Red Tape and the harness is labeled Technicalities and Delays, hanging from a whip just beyond the donkey's reach is a carrot labeled Conviction of the Guilty, and a large horseshoe magnet labeled Positive and Negative hangs off the side of the cart. Date 1912 January 3. Date:
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