Il peschereccio BRAVIK, una barca svedese registrate in Styrsˆ (pron: Steer-seu), una piccola isola vicino a Gothenberg che è casa di cristiano e Gunnar Tullock, la barca è proprietari. Gunnar è cristiana lo zio. BRAVIK è basata nel porto danese di Hanstholm, lungo il mare del Nord. -----------------
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The fishing trawler BRAVIK, a Swedish boat registered in Styrsˆ (pron: Steer-seu), a small island near Gothenberg that is home to Christian and Gunnar Tullock, the boat's owners. Gunnar is Christian's uncle. BRAVIK is based at the Danish port of Hanstholm, along the North Sea. -------------------------------------------- processed torsk --------------------------------------------- The boat follows a constant routine. With a constant eye on the weather, the nets are played out from the rear of the boat. Every 6 hours the nets are hauled in. "If you can't fill the net in six hours, you won't fill it in seven, " says Capt Christian Tullock. The net is hauled around and emptied into the bow of the boat where the BRAVIK has its processing and storage facilities. With the net once again played out for another catch, the crew goes forward to gut and store the fish. It's fast work and potentially dangerous with sharp knives flashing on a deck pitching to and fro at 45 degree angles. The business end of one gutting machine used to process sej (coalfish) bears the ominous warning sign of a set of severed fingers. Enough said. This crew works fast but they don't hurry. The net is first emptied into a giant hopper where it is sorted. Bert Larsson, who was doing the storting this time out, sent the fish fsliding along stainless steel ramps. He ocasionally applied what looked like an electrified cattle-prod to stun the odd snapping predator. Fish too small or not the right type go back to the sea. Sej, which made up the bulk of this catch, is sent through a machine that cleans out their innards and sends them up a conveyor for storage. The big fish go the Christian who flashes a sharp knife with fearsome dexterity. When the netload has been whittled down and the end is in sight Mikael Sˆthestrˆm disappears down a hatch to a large very cold compartment where the fish are sprayed from a conveyor belt into ice-filled plastic baskets and stacked.
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