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40 million nuclear power station, which will be officially opened tomorrow (May 2) at Chapelcross, near Annan, in Dumfriesshire. The station, built on a disused airfield, will increase Britain's supplies of military plutonium and when in full production will provide come 140 megawatts of electricity for the national grid. Its other three reactors will be commissioned at intervals throughout the remainder of this year. Construction of the Chapelcross station - which is of the same type as Calder Hall, Cumberland, first nuclear power station in the world to produce electricity on an industrial scale - was begun in October 1955. PICTURE SHOWS- The charge floor pile cap at Chapelcross with, on left, television equipment used for maintenance when the reactor is shut down - the TV screen reveals any fault in the channels of the reactor. Centre is a charging machine loaded with uranium cartridges. On right is cable for lowering the television cable into the reactor.
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