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Shown here with their trainers are the 22 players in England's World Cup Squad. Left to right: Back row - Assistant trainer Les Cocker (Leeds United), George Cohen (Fulham), Gerry Byrne (Liverpool), Roger Hunt (Liverpool), Ron Flowers (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Gordon Banks (Leicester City), Ron Springett (Sheffield Wednesday), Peter Bonetti (Chelsea), Jimmy Greaves (Tottenham Hotspur), Bobby Moore (West Ham United), John Connelly (Manchester United), George Eastham (Arsenal) and Harold Shepherdson (Middlesbrough), trainer. Seated: Jimmy Armfield (Blackpool), Nobby Stiles (Manchester United), Jack Charlton (Leeds United), Geoff Hurst (West Ham United), Terry Paine (Southampton), Ray Wilson (Everton), Martin Peters (West Ham United), Alan Ball (Blackpool) and Bobby Charlton (Manchester United). Foreground: Norman Hunter (Leeds United), left, and Ian Callahan (Liverpool).
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