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Our government farm - President Cleveland finds an effectual protection against the twenty-five-year locusts. Illustration shows President Cleveland stands directly behind a wall of flames labeled Civil Service Reform; behind him, working on the Government Farm are members of his cabinet, William C. Endicott with a hoe, Lucius QC Lamar kneeling before a newly planted tree, Thomas F. Bayard working on a tree labeled State Department, Daniel Manning holding a pot labeled Treasury, Augustus H. Garland with a shovel, William C. Whitney adding supports to a tree labeled Navy Department, and William F. Vilas with a watering can. In the foreground, locusts driven back by the smoke and overcome by the fumes lie on the ground and are about to be consumed by the flames, these include Kelly, Dugro, Voorhees, Blackburn, McLean, Dana, Butler, HO Thompson, Chenowith, Higgins, and Aquila Jones. Two that seem unaffected are labeled Hendricks carrying a banner that states To the Victors belong the Spoils and McLoughlin sic. Date 1885 September 2. Our government farm - President Cleveland finds an effectual protection against the twenty-five-year locusts. Illustration shows President Cleveland stands directly behind a wall of flames labeled Civil Service Reform; behind him, working on the Government Farm are members of his cabinet, William C. Endicott with a hoe, Lucius QC Lamar kneeling before a newly planted tree, Thomas F. Bayard working on a tree labeled State Department, Daniel Manning holding a pot labeled Treasury, Augustus H. Garland with a shovel, William C. Whitney adding supports to a tree labeled Navy Department, and William F. Vilas with a watering can. In the foreground, locusts driven back by the smoke and overcome by the fumes lie on the ground and are about to be consumed by the flames, these include Kelly, Dugro, Voorhees, Blackburn, McLean, Dana, Butler, HO Thompson, Chenowith, Higgins, and Aquila Jones. Two that seem unaffected are labeled Hendricks carrying a ban
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