English worker honeybees in beehive checking water volume correct in honey store before capping with white beeswax. Workers make volume of water is correct as it starts out 80% sucrose and 20% water. When it reaches 17% the bees seal the cells. Nectar is a high sucrose liquid providing energy and food resource for bees. Female worker bees have different and many duties depending on age including cleaning hive, building honeycomb for new hive, feeding and tending brood, cooling hive by circulating air by beating wings, foraging outside hives for nectar and pollen, feeding each other with nectar or to younger workers. The young put the nectar in a cell, add enzymes and reduce water content to 17%. The result is honey. Bees live on stored honey and pollen in winter. Bees may take up to one month to build the honeycomb from top down in a hive depending on weather, temperature, availability of food and how many bees. A hive may have up to 50 to 60, 000.
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