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Diagram of the vestige of the left superior cava and of a case of its persistence. 1, 1', internal jugular veins; 2, 2', subclavian veins; 3, right innominate; 3', right or regular superior cava; 4, left innominate, normal in A, rudimentary in B; 5, the opening of the superior intercostal vein into the innominate; 5', vestige of the superior cava or duct of Cuvier, the left cava superior abnormally persistent; 6, coronary sinus; 6', coronary veins; 7, superior intercostal trunk of the left side (left cardinal vein); 8, principal azygos (right cardinal vein); 7', 8', some of the intercostal veins; 9, opening of the inferior cava, with the Eustachian vein. Jones Quain (November, 1796 - January 31, 1865) was an Irish anatomist, professor of Anatomy and Physiology in the University of London, and author of Elements of Anatomy. The first edition was published in 1828 and it quickly became a standard text-book in English-speaking countries. 10th edition, 1896.