MONTREAL, Canada, all'interno del giardino botanico di Montreal, uno dei più grandi giardini botanici al coperto del mondo, con una vasta gamma di ambienti diversi, dalle orchidee alle spezie ai cactus.
Photograph by David Coleman. The Montréal Botanical Garden, one of the world's foremost botanical gardens, covers 75 hectares (185 acres) of thematic gardens and greenhouses. Established in 1931, it's a verdant oasis in the heart of the city, offering visitors a chance to explore a diverse array of plant life from around the globe. The garden features numerous themed areas, including the iconic Japanese and Chinese gardens, showcasing traditional horticultural styles and cultural elements. The First Nations Garden celebrates the plant knowledge of indigenous peoples, while specialized collections like the Alpine Garden and Rose Garden display specific plant groups. Beyond its beauty, the Botanical Garden serves as a center for conservation, research, and education. It's part of Montreal's Space for Life complex, which includes the Biodome, Insectarium, and Planetarium. Throughout the year, the garden hosts various events and exhibitions, making it a dynamic, ever-changing attraction that draws both tourists and locals alike to experience the wonders of the plant world.
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