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Eight semi-automatic hand guns which were recovered in a Trident operation at Old Kent Road, south London. Four men caught red-handed trading a small arsenal of weaponry destined for street gangs were jailed for up to nine-and-a-half years each at Inner London Crown Court. *22/01/04: Latest crime figures were being published by ministers today. The last set of quarterly figures, issued in October, showed gun offences had reached a record 10, 250 in 2002-2003. Poignantly, today's batch of data will cover last September - the month when seven-year-old Toni-Ann Byfield was fatally shot in the back in north London and 64-year-old Marian Bates was killed during a robbery at her Nottingham jeweller's shop. 21/10/04: Levels of violent crime recorded by police in the UK increased by 11% in the second quarter of this year, while gun killings fell by 15% and the use of hanguns 10%. The overall number of crimes was down according to Home Office data and the British Crime Survey.
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