Poster rilasciato dal Dipartimento di Salute e servizi umani degli Stati Uniti, mostrando un uomo che strappa la sua camicia aperta per rivelare una camicia 'Superman', incoraggiando le persone a ottenere il loro colesterolo testato, 1980. Cortesia Biblioteca Nazionale di Medicina.
Questa immagine potrebbe avere delle imperfezioni perché è storica o di reportage.
Poster issued by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, showing a man ripping his shirt open to reveal a 'Superman' shirt, encouraging people to get their cholesterol tested, 1980. Courtesy National Library of Medicine. . Original text, captured by Optical Character Recognition, reads even if youre feeling like superman, you need to know your cholesterol nunber high blood cholesterol has no symptoms. so you could be feeling great and still be at risk of a heart attack. find out where you stand. have your blood cholesterol level checked and ask your doctor for your dolesterol number. and remember, if it high, you dont have to be superman to lower it. national chtestetol education program national ikart ng, and bkxxi institute natinal institutes of ilcalth public ilealth service s. department of ikalth and lluman scrvices even if youre feeling like superman, you need to know your cholesterol nunber high blood cholesterol has no symptoms. so you could be feeling great and still be at risk of heart attack. find out where you stand. have your blood cholesterol level checked and ask your doctor for your dolesterol number. and remember, if it high, you dont have to be superman to lower it. national chtestetol education program national ikart ng, and bkxxi institute natinal institutes of ilcalth public ilealth service s. department of ikalth and lluman scrvices . Note: OCR text may be inaccurate.
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