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Six images depicting incidents in the lives of Siamese twins Chang and Eng Bunker, 1865. From the New York Public Library. . Original text, captured by Optical Character Recognition, reads sol siam bo y o, yes, y chang, yer might ait. sassy now i j i catch yon alone and youll one minute too late eng, (just catching platform railing 'come on chang, youll catch eady (chang thinks he is catching it courting under difficulties popped yet hurry up there chang you hav say, ent piazz ost done y last cigar is a you the great showman he pays the hears of the wonderful twins. suspecting a fi and is much chagrined to find no humbug bout a falling out between fast friends you c it f you dare, now u just cut if you think best, there no eng well, yo ation with the dical faculty, the tw after ngthened c to 'epluribus unum united we stand, divided we to hold to the old fall sol siam bo o, yes, chang, yer might ait. sassy now catch yon alone and youll one minute too late eng, (just catching platform railing 'come on chang, youll catch eady (chang thinks he is catching it courting under difficulties popped yet hurry up there chang you hav say, ent piazz ost done last cigar is you the great showman he pays the hears of the wonderful twins. suspecting fi and is much chagrined to find no humbug bout falling out between fast friends you it you dare, now just cut if you think best, there no eng well, yo ation with the dical faculty, the tw after ngthened to 'epluribus unum united we stand, divided we to hold to the old fall . Note: OCR text may be inaccurate.
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