7360 x 4912 px | 62,3 x 41,6 cm | 24,5 x 16,4 inches | 300dpi
Data acquisizione:
14 dicembre 2015
Sizewell, Suffolk, England.
Altre informazioni:
Sizewell B is the UK's only commercial pressurised water reactor (PWR) power station, with a single reactor. It was built and commissioned between 1987 and 1995, first synchronised with the national grid on 14 Feb 1995. The main civil engineering contractor was John Laing plc. The power station is operated by EDF Energy. EDF's strategic target is for 20 year life extension for Sizewell B PWR, beyond the current accounting closure date of 2035. The 'nuclear island' at Sizewell B is based on a Westinghouse '4-loop' plant known as SNUPPS (Standard Nuclear Unit Power Plant System) initially designed in the 1970s and used at Wolf Creek and Callaway but with additional redundancy and diversity in the safety systems, and other modifications such as the addition of a passive Emergency Boration System. The containment design was not based on SNUPPS however, but was designed by NNC (National Nuclear Corporation - bought by AMEC in 2005) in conjunction with Bechtel.
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