The Warrington Club is one of this historic town’s few remaining traditional establishments; founded in 1876 by leading Victorian industrialists, statesmen and professionals for the sole purpose of providing a venue where members could meet on a regular basis in comfortable surroundings to enjoy each others company and meaningful conversation. The Club offered an excellent opportunity for business ideas, suggestions and deals to be discussed considering that in those early days there was no other means of communication except for a rather hit and miss postal service. In the modern idiom the Club provided what is now known as ‘net working’. The building occupied by the Warrington Club in Bold Street was purpose built using monies raised by the original 76 founder members. Those familiar with Warrington will no doubt recognise the names of some of the founder members. Arthur Bennett (1862- 1931) a chartered accountant, was a remarkable character. He served as a Councellor and Alderman for many years and had hopes of making Warrington a ‘Garden City’. Sadly, the Great War shattered the dream but the quality of the one completed terrace of houses in Sankey gives some evidence of his vision. The foundation stone was laid by the great pioneer of garden cities, Ebenezer Howard. Bennett was a prolific writer. His ‘Dream of a Warringtonian’, if romanticised, is still a very readable history of our 1, 000 year old town, and his collection of poems ‘Songs of a Chartered Accountant’ posesses both warmth and charm. John, Earnest Crosfield of Joseph Crosfield & Sons Ltd. Finally, Sir Gilbert Greenall MP, Lieut Col. Greenall and Captain Grenall of the Greenall Whitley Brewery. Paul, Harry and George Rylands founders of the world famous Rylands Brothers Ltd, Wire & Nails manufacturers – hence the obvious connection with the local Rugby League team known as ‘The Wires’.