Daualatabad Fort once known as 'Devgiri', this magnificent 14th century fortress stands on a hill just 16 km. from Aurangabad in Maharashtra state of India. It was given the name Daulatabad, the city of fortune, by Muhammad Tughlaq, Sultan of Delhi. Initially a Yadav stronghold, it passed through the hands of several dynasties in the Deccan. One of the worlds best preserved fort of medieval times, surviving virtually unaltered, Daulatabad yet displays the character that made it invincible. Built by the Rashtrakuta kings, who built the world famous Kailas caves. The earliest recorded history is that Yadav dynasty ruled this fort between 1187 to 1318 AD. In 1294, Alauddin Khilji attacked this fort, but the kingdome remained with the then rulers under a treaty. This was followed by Malik Kafur's attack in 1307 and later by Qutubuddin Mubarak Khilji in 1318. The fort is surrounded by three concentric walls fortifications known as kots. Seen in the picture is the outer one, Amberkot that covers the Daulatabad old town.
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