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General view of Ineos Grangemouth refinery at night. Situated close to the Firth of Forth, Grangemouth traces its origins back to 1924 and up until the Second World War it handled about 400, 000 tonnes of crude oil. Major expansions immediately post war and in the 1970s brought refining capacity to in excess of 10 million tonnes per year. The North Sea Forties Pipeline system terminates at the refinery and excess crude oil is exported via pipeline to a tanker loading terminal on the Forth. Crude oil also comes into the refinery via a 58 mile pipeline from Finnart Ocean terminal which can handle up to 324, 000 ton deadweight tankers. Previously owned by BP, the refinery was sold to Ineos Group in December 2005. Facts and Figures Refining capacity: >10.0 million tonnes per year Output: Petrol 22% Diesel 24% Kerosene & jet fuel 13% Gas oil 8% Fuel oil 15% LPG/petrochemical feedstocks 12% Fuel gas/other 6%
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