Chrysippus di soli 279 - c. 206 BC greco stoico filosofo. Egli era nativo di Soli, Cilicia, ma spostato ad Atene come un giovane uomo, dove divenne allievo di Cleante nel stoico scuola. Quando morì Cleante, intorno al 230 a.c. Chrysippus è diventato il terzo capo della scuola. ampliato le dottrine fondamentali di Zeno di Citium, il fondatore della scuola in Grecia. ( Chrysippus eccellevano nella logica, la teoria della conoscenza, etica e fisica. ) 1-2 secolo D.C. Foto Stock
RMJGD9X3–Chrysippus di soli 279 - c. 206 BC greco stoico filosofo. Egli era nativo di Soli, Cilicia, ma spostato ad Atene come un giovane uomo, dove divenne allievo di Cleante nel stoico scuola. Quando morì Cleante, intorno al 230 a.c. Chrysippus è diventato il terzo capo della scuola. ampliato le dottrine fondamentali di Zeno di Citium, il fondatore della scuola in Grecia. ( Chrysippus eccellevano nella logica, la teoria della conoscenza, etica e fisica. ) 1-2 secolo D.C.
Sulla strada a Vieux-Port a Marsiglia, Francia Foto Stock
RMWW74KA–Sulla strada a Vieux-Port a Marsiglia, Francia
Crisippo di soli - Crisippo 279 - 206 a.C. filosofo greco stoico. Era nativo di soli, Cilicia, ma si trasferì ad Atene da giovane, dove divenne allievo di Cleanthes nella scuola stoica. Quando Cleanthes morì, intorno al 230 a.C., Crisippo divenne il terzo capo della scuola. Ampliò le dottrine fondamentali di Zenone di Citium, il fondatore della scuola Grecia. (Crisippo eccelleva in logica, teoria della conoscenza, etica e fisica). 1-2 secolo d.C. Galleria degli Uffizi, 1581, fondatore: Francesco i de' Medici, Granduca di Toscana, Firenze, Italia, Italia, Foto Stock
RM2PR58K8–Crisippo di soli - Crisippo 279 - 206 a.C. filosofo greco stoico. Era nativo di soli, Cilicia, ma si trasferì ad Atene da giovane, dove divenne allievo di Cleanthes nella scuola stoica. Quando Cleanthes morì, intorno al 230 a.C., Crisippo divenne il terzo capo della scuola. Ampliò le dottrine fondamentali di Zenone di Citium, il fondatore della scuola Grecia. (Crisippo eccelleva in logica, teoria della conoscenza, etica e fisica). 1-2 secolo d.C. Galleria degli Uffizi, 1581, fondatore: Francesco i de' Medici, Granduca di Toscana, Firenze, Italia, Italia,
Dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro, nomadi tibetani riposo nella loro tenda, Cook e chat Foto Stock
RM2B105R9–Dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro, nomadi tibetani riposo nella loro tenda, Cook e chat
Casual arte astratta Foto Stock
RMBK915H–Casual arte astratta
Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca Foto Stock
RM2CCE7TW–Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca
Finestra sul tetto, alla luce del sole, Foto Stock
RMBCCY7P–Finestra sul tetto, alla luce del sole,
Ufficiale di polizia con i demontratori a Francoforte Foto Stock
RFK4C2N1–Ufficiale di polizia con i demontratori a Francoforte
Blur, focus ha una estensione spaziale, chiamato la sfocatura circle,fuori fuoco, artistico, arte astratta, colorfull, movimento Foto Stock
RMBC8YFY–Blur, focus ha una estensione spaziale, chiamato la sfocatura circle,fuori fuoco, artistico, arte astratta, colorfull, movimento
Balle di paglia in un campo in corrispondenza di un tempo di mietitura. La Francia. Foto Stock
RMPPEY9B–Balle di paglia in un campo in corrispondenza di un tempo di mietitura. La Francia.
Blur, focus ha una estensione spaziale, chiamato la sfocatura circle,fuori fuoco, artistico, arte astratta, colorfull, movimento Foto Stock
RMBC8Y5G–Blur, focus ha una estensione spaziale, chiamato la sfocatura circle,fuori fuoco, artistico, arte astratta, colorfull, movimento
Una giovane madre coreana tradizionalmente porta il suo bambino, fissata sulla sua schiena mentre si è al lavoro in un campo di riso durante il raccolto autunnale Foto Stock
RMA5M05M–Una giovane madre coreana tradizionalmente porta il suo bambino, fissata sulla sua schiena mentre si è al lavoro in un campo di riso durante il raccolto autunnale
Cemento rosso palla sul pavimento di un magazzino di destinazione, shadow, sub, rosso, linee Foto Stock
RMBCD009–Cemento rosso palla sul pavimento di un magazzino di destinazione, shadow, sub, rosso, linee
Crisippo di soli - Crisippo 279 - 206 a.C. filosofo greco stoico. Era nativo di soli, Cilicia, ma si trasferì ad Atene da giovane, dove divenne allievo di Cleanthes nella scuola stoica. Quando Cleanthes morì, intorno al 230 a.C., Crisippo divenne il terzo capo della scuola. Ampliò le dottrine fondamentali di Zenone di Citium, il fondatore della scuola Grecia. (Crisippo eccelleva in logica, teoria della conoscenza, etica e fisica). 1-2 secolo d.C. Galleria degli Uffizi, 1581, fondatore: Francesco i de' Medici, Granduca di Toscana, Firenze, Italia, Italia, Foto Stock
RM2PR58K1–Crisippo di soli - Crisippo 279 - 206 a.C. filosofo greco stoico. Era nativo di soli, Cilicia, ma si trasferì ad Atene da giovane, dove divenne allievo di Cleanthes nella scuola stoica. Quando Cleanthes morì, intorno al 230 a.C., Crisippo divenne il terzo capo della scuola. Ampliò le dottrine fondamentali di Zenone di Citium, il fondatore della scuola Grecia. (Crisippo eccelleva in logica, teoria della conoscenza, etica e fisica). 1-2 secolo d.C. Galleria degli Uffizi, 1581, fondatore: Francesco i de' Medici, Granduca di Toscana, Firenze, Italia, Italia,
Casual arte astratta Foto Stock
RMBK91HH–Casual arte astratta
Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca Foto Stock
RM2CCE7PG–Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca
Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca Foto Stock
RM2CCE7TR–Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca
Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca Foto Stock
RM2CCE7TH–Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca
Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca Foto Stock
RM2CCE7PD–Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca
Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca Foto Stock
RM2CCE7PN–Festa in onore del santo patrono (Mare de Deu de Gracia) di Mao, Menorca
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY28AC–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27XX–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY28AW–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27Y9–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY28B4–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27YA–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. Stock Photo
RM2YY28BB–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident.
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27Y2–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY28AF–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27Y3–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY28B2–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27XW–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY28B5–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27W0–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY287G–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27TE–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY287J–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27TH–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY287M–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27TB–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY287E–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27TD–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY287R–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27TA–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY287W–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate Stock Photo
RM2YY27TF–Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. December 18, 2024. The image represents the International Migrants Day, a day of reflection and vindication on the rights of people who move in search of better living conditions. The aim is to make visible the challenges, but also the fundamental contributions of migrants to host societies. The photography captures diversity, showing faces, stories and experiences that represent the complexity of contemporary migration. The processes of integration, efforts to maintain cultural identity and the struggle against discrimination are evident. The image seeks to generate
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