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Genius and Degeneration. No. 361 BROADWAY NEW YORK. TERMS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Remit by postal or express money order or by bank draft or chem. MUNN & CO. 361 Broadway corner of Franklin Street New York. The Scientific American Supplement is issued weekly. Every number contains 16 octavo pages uniform in size $600 a year for the U. S. Canada or Mexico. $6.00 a year to foreign countries belonging to the Postal Union. Single copies 10 cents. Sold by all newsdealers throughout the country. See prospectus last page. Building Edition. . taming floor plans perspective views and sheets of constructive details beautiful plates showing desirable dwellings 'Public buildings and archi ing this work is invaluable. Has the largest circulation of any architec tural publication-in the world. address $5:00 a year. To foreign Postai Union countries $6.50 a year. Spanish Edition of the Scientific American. Indies Mexic Central and South America Spain and Spanish posses stone—wherever the Spanish language is spoken. $3.00 a year post paid to any part of the world. Single copies 25 cents. See prospectus. 361 Broadway New York. draft or bank check. Make all remittances payable to order of MUNN & CO. any failure delay or irregularity in receipt of papers. Contents. Astronomical observatories' i Maine battle ship Bethlehem the star of 262 Names Chinese.of treaty powers 259 Braha gymnastics 263 Paper sunflower 262 Bridge steel Mallec Chile' 260 Patents granted weekly record 269 &Ferrer's . 260 PrisciliaFall River line steamer264 Car dolarii improved wanted. 266 Record breaking a year of 268 Cellulose recent uses of 266 Ship canaLproposedCliesapeake Derelicts destruction of 264 Smoke bleacher Sands'. 261 Effect of a receipt in full 263 I Snake a whistling 264 cilla 264 &met Railway Journal 259 Friction of oils:interior 262 I Torpedo boat an aluminum 261 GeniMiand. degeneration 258 I 'Torpedo boats visibility of 258 Headlights gas ' 259 ; Warm how to keep 262 Inventions recen