. Giornale ferroviario elettrico . ed più tardi. Sul piano superiore, oltre alle sedi longitudinali, sono presenti due sedi trasversali, ciascuna delle quali accoglie due persone, alle estremità dei pozzetti delle scale. Questi, insieme con la folla di persone e conti in misura considerevole per la rapidità con cui i passeggeri sono stati trattati in thetrial, alcuni dei quali sono stati riportati nel numero di settembre 14,1912, pagina 414. Uno degli schemi per evitare ritardi nello scaricodei passeggeri dal ponte superiore è l'eliminazione dei soliti pulsanti da quel piano. C'è, tuttavia, pulsante di apush alla testa dell'exi
2876 x 869 px | 24,4 x 7,4 cm | 9,6 x 2,9 inches | 300dpi
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. Electric railway journal . ed later. On the upper deck, in addition to the longitudinal seats, there are two transverse seats, each seating two persons, at the ends of the stair wells. These, together with the crowds of people and accounts to a considerable extent forthe rapidity with which passengers have been handled in thetrials, some of which were reported in the issue of Sept. 14, 1912, page 414. One of the schemes for avoiding delay in unloadingpassengers from the upper deck is the elimination of theusual push buttons from that floor. There is, however, apush button at the head of the exit stairs, and signs areprominently displayed to call attention to its location. Up-per-deck passengers are, therefore, required to be readyto descend the exit stairs before they can signal the car tostop and, as both the motorman and conductor control theexit door and see the feet of any descending passenger, thechance of carrying anyone past his destination is limited. The depressed portion of the lower deck which forms the. /■% at Center- Sectional ElevationPittsburgh Double-Deck Cars—Cross-Sectional Elevation longitudinal seats, provide a seating capacity of fifty-sixpersons for the upper deck, and as the lower deck willaccommodate fifty-four passengers, the total seating capac-ity of the car is 110. The weight of the car completelyequipped is 38, 700 lb., giving the unprecedented figure of352 lb. per seat. center well reduces the height of the step from the groundinto the car to 13^ nl- From the doorways there is aslight slope upward to the center line of the car amountingto about iy2 in. and formed by gradually increasing thethickness of the floor strips, a safety tread being providedat the edge of the step. From the wall to the main floor May 31, 1913.] ELECTRIC RAILWAY JOURNAL 961 of the lower deck there is a step of 12 in. and a shortramp 2 ft. long gives an additional rise of 2 in., bringingthe main floor to a height of 28^ in. above the rail. Accessto the upper dec