. Guida per l'identificazione dei legni utilizzati per cravatte e legname . sh marrone; senza odore caratteristico o Taste.Annual anelli regolari in larghezza e profilo. Alburno largo oltre 1 pollice. Legno DI SEQUOIA moderatamente leggera, p. 70. bb) legno di tegame Ugh1 marrone scuro, marrone scuro, con o senza margine, odore caratteristico ma non resinoso o prurito.(a3) odore piuttosto rancido; legno di tegame senza sapore. Larghezza e profilo annuali irregolari a ringsmotrly. Alburno di solito sul pollice largo. Colore altamente variabile dal marrone pallido con tinta orsina rossastra al marrone nerastro. Peso variabile da moderatamente leggero
1447 x 1727 px | 24,5 x 29,2 cm | 9,6 x 11,5 inches | 150dpi
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. Guidebook for the identification of woods used for ties and timbers . sh brown; without characteristic odor or taste.Annual rings regular in width and outline. Sapwood over 1 inch wide. Wood moderately light REDWOOD, p. 70. (bb) Heartwood Ugh1 brown to dark, dingy brown, with or without itinge, odor characteristic but not resinous or pitchy.(a3) Odor somewhat rancid; heartwood tasteless. Annual ringsmostly irregular in width and outline. Sapwood usually overl inch wide. Color highly variable from pale brown with orwithout reddish tinge to blackish brown. Weight variablefrom moderately light to heavy. Longitudinal surfaces feel and appearwaxy BALD CYPRESS, p. 71. (b3) Odor aromatic {li k• les); heartwood slightly bitter in taste. Annual rings narrow but regular in width. Sapwoodrarely over 1 inch wide. Wood very light in weight. Longi-tudinal surfaces not appearing waxy.(a4) Heartwood brown with reddish tinge. WESTERN RED CEDAR, p. 71.(bi) Heartwood brown, rarely with reddish tinge. A.RBORVIT2E (NOETHBEN White Cedar), p. 72. 26 IDENTIFICATION OF WOODS.. Map IDENTIFICATION OF WOODS. 27 BB. The heartwood not distinctly darker than the sapwood. (a) Wood resinous, as indicated by the odor or exudations of resin at the ends, especially from the sapwood. (aa) Tangential surface has numerous slight depressions which give it adimpled appearance, especially noticeable on split surfaces. Theheartwood sometimes slightly darker than the sapwood. Wood moderately heavy LODGEPOLE PINE, p. G2. (bb) Tangential surface not dimpled. (a3) Color pale brown, almost white. Annual rings mostly moder-ately wide. Woodlight in weight.ENGELMANN SPRUCE, p.65.(b3) Color creamy brown. Annual rings mostly narrow. Woo 1heavy to very heavy PINON (PINE), p. 61. (b) Wood not resiiinii . (aa) Odor and taste spicy. Color pale brown. Wood moderately light. PORT ORFORD CEDAR, p. 68.(bb) Odor and taste not spicy, although a characteristic odor may be notice-able.(a3) Wood whitish, at least in the spring