This frames most of the constellation of Perseus, emphasizing the bright and dark nebulas within it, as well as the star clusters in and around the constellation suitable for binoculars or a telescope. At top is the IC 1805/1848 complex known as the Heart and Soul Nebulas. At lower left is a small emission nebula NGC 1491. Beside it are the star clusters NGC 1528 and 1545. At lower centre is the Messier cluster M34, while over the border in Andromeda is the large and loose star cluster NGC 752, at lower right. Algol is the star at bottom centre. At lower left is Mirfak surrounded by the Perseus OB Association of young blue stars. At top centre is the famous showpiece, the Double Cluster. The Milky Way is streaked with yellowish dust clouds, contrasting with the bluer sky off the Milky Way at right. The most prominent dark nebula is from the Barnard Catalogue, B8/B11, at far left.
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