I lavoratori off rifiuti di carico in gran parte da negozi di generi alimentari a sebokeng al sito di raccolta che vengono successivamente restituiscono alla
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Workers off loading wastes largely from groceries stores in sebokeng to the collection site which are later tranfer to the waste sit run by Brick at the Orange farm. It is a win-win issue for the stores and brick as they help the store to curb cost of waste disposal and Brick project get money rom the collection of the waste.The 2010 world cup being hosted by South Africa has seen the country spending an estimated 33billion rands in preparing for this world biggest sport event happening for the first time in Africa. The country now looks like havens for tourists with new football field s, upscale hotels, beaches etc. But just behind this glistening new look of the country lies another South Africa with many deprived townships. These townships constitute predominantly blacks lack good housing, bad road, poor water and electricity supply. Unemployment and crime is the at its highest in these communitiesMany of these inhabitants of townships are frustrated by the ignorance of the gov